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Happy new year to you. The end of a year and beginning of a new one is usually a good opportunity to reflect on the last 12 months of your life and set resolutions for the new year. As much as you want to celebrate our successes, it’s also very helpful to reflect on why you didn’t reach certain goals, get clear on any challenges or obstacles and what you can do to make it happen this year.

As an Oakville registered holistic nutritionist and weight loss consultant, I see that weight loss is usually a challenging health goal for many of my clients. Typically they have been struggling with overweight, emotional eating under stress and self-sabotage for a long time and tried different diets that didn’t work long-term. They just wish there could be a life-long solution to this struggle and they don’t have to be dieting all their lives. They are also aware that their health might be already suffering because of this yoyo dieting.

I have no doubt that you can be healthy, fit and happy for life, if you are committed to making your health a priority and are ready to make changes. In my holistic nutrition practice in Oakville, I work with clients just like you who are committed to making their health a priority and are willing to do whatever it takes to reach their goals. When they come from this mindset, take the right action steps and have the ongoing support, they usually experience transformations in their health, body and whole lives. Best of all they feel good about themselves and their bodies and it all come to them without struggle or deprivation.

Today I have 3 mindset shifts to help you commit to your health and take action to reach your health goals in 2016.

3 Mindset Shifts to Stay Healthy and Fit in 2016

1-Release the old

Releasing old beliefs is as important as getting rid of old clothes and items that don’t serve you. You just need to clear the old to make space for the new. Ask yourself what are the negative beliefs that might be holding you back from getting where you want to be.

Here’s a simple and effective exercise to help you with the release process. Sit in a quiet place and breathe deeply for a few minutes. Then get your attention to your heart and breathe in and out of your heart. Once you are connected with your heart, you can then ask your heart any question you have. You might need to sit still for some time with it but allow yourself to be surprised by the answers you get.

2-Get clear on your goal

Clarity is very important in order to reach your health goal. For example, instead of saying my goal is to lose weight, you can say my goal is to lose 20 pounds of fat, build more muscle and have a healthy and fit body in the next 12 weeks.  The more specific you are, the more likely you will succeed because then you can start finding and looking for ways that will help you get exactly what you want in the time you want it.

3-Believe in yourself

So now you have released all the negative beliefs you have and are clear about your destination, it’s time to make it real in your mind. Visualization is a very powerful technique that you can use to anchor your goals. By creating the picture of a healthy and fit “you” in your subconscious mind you can help your conscious mind easily manifest this in reality. This is based on the scientific fact that our subconscious mind can’t differentiate between reality and imagination. So if you already have it in your subconscious mind, you are giving orders to your conscious mind to make it happen for you.

Back to You

Life is short and you were not born to suffer. You are here to be the healthiest and fittest version of yourself so that you can contribute fully to this world and live the life you truly deserve.

If you have been struggling with resistant weight loss or any other health issue and you know you need to do something about it, then I encourage you to try the above 3 mindset shifts.

These are wonderful tools you can use right now to help yourself commit to making your health a priority and taking action in order to be the healthiest and fittest version of yourself.

We are currently offering tele-health coaching via Zoom, so we can help you if you are out of area. If you need help with your health and nutrition, sign up for a 15 Min Discovery Call where we discuss your current goals and concerns and how we can help you.

If you find this information useful, please feel free to share with your family or friends.

Maha Nasr

Maha Nasr, MD (Egy.),PhD, R.H.N-founder and owner of Healthy U Turn-is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Transformational Life Coach with 25+ years of expertise in the healthcare field. Helping midlife professional women reclaim whole health, step into their inner power and pursue their dreams with greater energy, confidence, peace and joy. Offering customized wellness packages to help them balance hormones, improve digestion, overcome stubborn weight, stop emotional eating, rediscover and empower themselves and live with purpose. Her transformational approach nourishes the body, mind & soul integrating functional nutrition, holistic lifestyle, mind-body practices, energy medicine and enneagram self-discovery.

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