Are you a heart-centered, purpose-driven professional woman who is:

  • Going through a big life change or difficult life situation and need a sense of direction and clarity about your next step?
  • Transitioning into a new career path and need help building more confidence or leadership presence?
  • Overwhelmed by too many responsibilities that leave you exhausted, emotionally depleted and disconnected from your intuition?
  • Feeling anxious even though you seem to have it all or something is missing in your life but not sure what to do about that?
  • Unsatisfied with your relationships and need more peace, harmony and joy in your life?
  • Ready to let go of old patterns that keep you stuck and take inspired action to live a more fulfilling life?

If you resonate with any of the above, Oakville Certified Life Coach, Maha Nasr can help you! Her unique transformational life coaching approach is designed to transform your whole being(body, mind and soul) and bring you inner peace, authentic confidence and true self-love.

Release Self-Limiting Old Patterns

Embody Your True Self and

Discover Your Purpose!

If life is not going as you like and things are feeling stagnant, we can help you move forwards.

This is the best time for you to dig deeper into yourself and let go of your old baggage so you can make space for more lightness and newness in your life. When we let go of old patterns and unconscious self-limiting beliefs, we become more open to embrace our true self and step into our authentic power. This allows us to experience true confidence and inner peace, enjoy deeper relationships and reach our big dreams in life with ease, love and joy.

Are YOU Ready to let go of :

  • Self-judgment, self criticism and self-doubt.
  • Self-sabotage, unworthiness and comparing yourself to others
  • Perfectionistic tendencies and the need to overwork yourself.
  • Compulsive over-doing, over-giving and over care-taking.
  • Self abandonment, people pleasing and hiding behind false masks.
  • Minimizing your needs, making yourself small or playing small.
  • Under-valuing your accomplishments.
  • Repressing your emotions and not speaking your truth.

Is it time for you to:

  • Feel truly satisfied with all of who you are.
  • Cultivate unconditional self love and compassion.
  • Listen to your body and make peace between your head and heart.
  • Ask for what you need and make self-care a priority.
  • Slow down and take time for yourself to just be.
  • Feel confident to take up space, speak your truth and play big.
  • Embody your unique gifts and celebrate your accomplishments.
  • Open yourself up to receive more joy and abundance.

How Can Our Oakville Transformational Life Coach Empower YOU?

Transformational life coaching with Oakville Certified Life Coach Maha Nasr aims to empower heart-centered professional women who are authentic and holistic in their approach to life and seeking to live purposefully and connect deeply with others.

Her integrated approach weaves together a range of holistic coaching tools that blend the wisdom of the West and East and aligns the body, mind and soul.

In the “Embodied Transformation” package, Maha will take you on an inner journey of self-discovery, self-empowerment and self-love that will transform your whole being. It will gently yet powerfully help you to move from overwhelm, self-doubt, judgement and fear to a place of inner peaceconfidence, joy and true self-love.  

Transformational Life Coach, Maha Nasr will help you discover yourself on a deep level, uncover and accept all parts of who you really are and break free from old patterns and unconscious self-limiting beliefs that keep you stuck.

It’s a transformation that will allow you to embody your truest self, pursue your dreams with confidence and joy, and experience greater peace and harmony in your relationships.

For more info about our "Embodied Transformation Package", click here

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