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You hear a lot about detoxification and cleansing, but have you ever wondered what they actually means? Is there really a difference between the two?

As an Oakville nutritionist, a detox/cleanse protocol is an integral part of all my holistic nutrition programs. This is because I’ve found that reducing toxicity level helps in alleviating many of my clients’ symptoms and getting their bodies to function optimally.

Personalized detox/cleanse plans, allow clients to restore their health and regain their energy within a very short time. The transformative results they get are usually very encouraging for them to continue on their health path and get motivated to make permanent changes to their diet and lifestyle.

Can you believe that just removing sugar from your diet can have a huge impact on your health? It has been scientifically proven that processed sugar triggers inflammation, weakens your immunity by paralyzing your white blood cells and feeds the bad bacteria in your gut.

Cleansing and detoxification both involve clearing of toxins outside of your body through your detox organs. This includes cleansing your body from everyday toxins in your diet as well as your environment.

The first step to detoxify your body is to remove toxic substances from your diet and your environment. The next step is to support your detox organs in elimination of stored toxins by providing necessary nutrients that are known for their detoxifying properties. This process of cleansing your body eventually ends in natural detoxification.

For a deeper detox, you might like to consider a longer and more advanced program that includes specific herbal supplements that allow for proper detoxification of deep seated toxins such as heavy metals.

These herbal supplements will help to support your detox organs and allow for safe elimination of these harmful toxins once they are released from the body stores. This is important because once these toxins are released into the blood they can be much more toxic to you than when they were stored in your cells. So you want to make sure that they are safely and effectively eliminated via your liver, colon, kidneys and skin.

Many people undergoing a cleanse or a detox might feel worse before feeling better. This is usually a good sign that indicates they are detoxifying effectively and the symptoms they’re experiencing are called “a healing crisis”. Symptoms of this crisis may vary from one person to another depending on the original level of toxicity in the body. This might include headaches, flu like symptoms or rashes.

Cleansing and detoxification are two words that are often used interchangeably and as you see there is actually no big difference between them. Whether you are considering a cleanse or a detox, it’s always wise to consult with a holistic nutritionist to help you make the right choice for your specific health condition and personal health goals.

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Maha Nasr

Maha Nasr, MD (Egy.),PhD, R.H.N-founder and owner of Healthy U Turn-is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Transformational Life Coach with 25+ years of expertise in the healthcare field. Helping midlife professional women reclaim whole health, step into their inner power and pursue their dreams with greater energy, confidence, peace and joy. Offering customized wellness packages to help them balance hormones, improve digestion, overcome stubborn weight, stop emotional eating, rediscover and empower themselves and live with purpose. Her transformational approach nourishes the body, mind & soul integrating functional nutrition, holistic lifestyle, mind-body practices, energy medicine and enneagram self-discovery.

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