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Are you suffering from headaches, fatigue, dulled mentality, pains and aches, acidity of the stomach, sleeping problems, muscle spasms, recurrent infections, allergies and degenerative or diseases as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, etc? These are all indicators of toxicity and increased acidity in your body.

We have increased our acidity over the years, with the daily high stress, over-consumption of acidic foods such as dairy, bakery, fast foods, fats, meats, coffee, alcohol, the overuse of pharmaceutical drugs and exposure to an overwhelming amount of environmental toxins.

As a holistic nutritionist in Oakville, many of my clients are suffering from toxicity symptoms and the first step to healing will usually be detoxification and restoring their acid-alkaline balance. Detoxification helps our bodies get rid of toxins and acids which cause congestion, inflammation and aging of tissues and at the same time it alkalizes the body using food and other lifestyle techniques. 

Our bodies are meant to be naturally alkaline. People with more acidic body tissues and secretions such as saliva and urine are more likely to be ill. The proper PH of the body is not only essential for healing but also for prevention of disease.

What is PH?

PH is a measure of acidity or alkalinity of a substance on a scale which runs from 0 to 14 with 7 being neutral. 0 is totally acid and 14 totally alkaline. The ideal PH of the blood is 7.365 which is slightly alkaline. This PH creates a healing environment and regeneration at the cellular level.

A constant blood PH is necessary for life so the body will do whatever is necessary to maintain it within a very narrow range. In trying to adapt, the body may pull alkalizing minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium from other tissues and get depleted of minerals. It may also suffer from decreased enzyme activity (due to mineral depletion, low energy production or degenerative changes in tissues, organs and bony structures.

Where Do Acids Come From?

When foods are metabolized in our bodies, acids are produced as a natural byproduct. These acids are neutralized by the alkaline mineral salts calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. So our acid alkaline balance is affected by the intake of these mineral salts and the type of food we eat.

Foods containing large amounts of chlorine, phosphorus and nitrogFoods rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium such as most vegetables tend to be alkaline forming. Strenuous Exercise and stress make our blood more acidic while deep breathing and meditation make our blood more alkaline.

Why Is A Healthy PH Important?

A healthy PH is essential for the function of different enzymes which catalyze all metabolic reactions in the body. Moreover certain minerals and vitamins are not absorbed or utilized beyond this healthy range.

Alkaline PH and Cancer

At a pH of 8.5, cancer cells can no longer survive. Therefore, a high alkaline diet can potentially decrease one’s risk of cancer or even help fight the disease. In my holistic nutrition practice in Oakville, I usually recommend a total body detox for my cancer patients to help in the elimination of an overload of toxins and acids that have accumulated in the body’s cells

A pre-treatment detoxification will allow cancer patients to enjoy a less problematic recovery and minimize the side effects of treatment. However patients on active treatment should not go on a radical detox and have to stick with a gentler detox program to avoid an overwhelming release of toxins in their bodies and unwanted side effects.

How to Detoxify and Alkalize Your Body? 

In part 2, I will give you simple tips you can easily apply in your daily life to help you detoxify and alkalize your body.

The change of seasons in spring and autumn are the best times of the year to detox. If you are feeling toxic and non-energetic, take this opportunity to detox and  help your body naturally re-balance and re-energize.

We offer tele-health coaching via Zoom, so we can help you if you are out of area. If you need help with your health and nutrition, sign up for a 15 Min Discovery Call where we discuss your current goals and concerns and how we can help you.

If you find this information useful, please feel free to share with your family or friends.

Maha Nasr

Maha Nasr, MD(Egy.), PhD, R.H.N, founder and owner of Healthy U Turn, is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Transformational Life Coach with 25+ years of expertise in the healthcare field. Maha helps women 40+ reclaim their health, regain their shape and rediscover themselves, so they can pursue their goals with greater energy, confidence and peace of mind. She offers personalized wellness plans to help women overcome stubborn weight, balance hormones, improve digestion, discover their authentic selves and let go of old patterns that keep them stuck. Her approach integrates a range of holistic tools for nourishing the body, mind & soul. Her toolbox includes natural nutrition, mind-body techniques, energy medicine practices and transformational life coaching.

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