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Are you on a weight loss diet? Have you tried so many different weight loss diets before and nothing seems to work? If the answer is yes, it is time to free yourself from this myth called “weight loss diets”. The shocking truth is that most people on weight loss programs fail and 95% regain all the weight back within three years.

And the weight fluctuation created by yo-yo dieting is actually more harmful to your health than just staying overweight. With each cycle of dieting the net result is an increase of body fat relative to muscle mass. This is why most weight loss diets causes weight gain in the long run.

Also, despite the billions of dollars spent on weight loss programs and healthy eating campaigns, obesity rates are on the rise.

As an Oakville nutritionist and from working with many weight loss clients, I’ve learned that weight loss diets don’t work.

Here are 6 reasons why weight loss diets don’t work:

1- Weight Loss Diets are a temporary fix. Most people think of diets as a temporary solution to their problem. Once the weight has been lost, they go back to their old habits. The end result is regaining the weight back and even more. Diets do not educate people on implementing long-lasting healthy eating habits and lifestyle changes.

2- Weight Loss Diets are usually restrictive. Most people can stick to a certain restrictive weight loss program for a while, but eventually they get bored and give in to their cravings. Most people on a diet feel unhappy, deprived and stressed.

3-Weight Loss Diets do not take into account bio-individuality. The idea that everybody is metabolically and biochemically different, have different food and lifestyle preferences is not taken into consideration. In order to lose the weight and maintain it, people have to be on a diet and lifestyle program that addresses their bodily requirements as well as their likes and dislikes.

4-Weight Loss Diets can slow down your metabolism. Calorie restricted diets that leave you starving can slow down your metabolism. The less you eat, the more you drive your body into starvation mode where it holds on to fat stores. This is especially true with yoyo dieters, who are in a constant struggle to lose weight.

5-Weight Loss Diets are usually expensive. Most diets require participants to buy specialty foods or prepared meals. This can be convenient and can work for some time but it is definitely non-sustainable and impractical. Besides the fact that ready-made meals are not usually contain the best ingredients for your health. Most of the time, they contain additives and preservatives or have a high salt content.

6-Most weight loss diets fail to address underlying emotional issues that are holding people back from creating lasting positive changes. These can include food cravings and addictions, fear of failure, fear of success, self-sabotage, to name a few. These issues are important to work one to ensure effective and long lasting results.

It is time for you to take back power over your health and get rid of those feelings of guilt, deprivation and disappointment that come with dieting. Adopting a new healthy attitude towards food and knowing when and what to eat is the best insurance for you to look good and feel great forever. To achieve your weight loss goals, you must have the right strategies to address different possible root causes.

A successful weight loss program emphasizes the cornerstones of good health: a health-promoting weight loss diet, a healthy lifestyle and a positive mental attitude. All of these components are interrelated, and no single component is more important than the other.

As an Oakville nutritionist, my advice to you if you want to lose the weight and for good, is to educate yourself on healthy eating. Make reading labels a habit and learn to listen to your body.

Your biggest concern must be how to supply your body with nutrient dense foods rather than calorie dense foods. This means to eat fewer calories not less food.

Back To You

Lastly, remember that what you eat is your choice and this can heal you or harm you. In other words your food can be your medicine or your poison, so do your best to make the right choices.

With Summer just around the corner, you might like to check out Healthy U Turn’s Weight Loss Program. This is a nutritionist-tailored holistic weight loss program that works to cleanse your body, balance your hormones and boost your metabolism. It provides you with a natural and safe way to lose weight while addressing all your health issues.

We offer tele-health coaching via Zoom, so we can help you if you are out of area. If you need help with your health and nutrition, sign up for a 15 Min Discovery Call with Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Life Coach, Maha Nasr to discuss your current goals and concerns and ask how we she can help you.

If you find this information useful, please feel free to share with your family or friends.

Maha Nasr

Maha Nasr, MD(Egy.), PhD, R.H.N, founder and owner of Healthy U Turn, is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Transformational Life Coach with 25+ years of expertise in the healthcare field. Maha helps women 40+ reclaim their health, regain their shape and rediscover themselves, so they can pursue their goals with greater energy, confidence and peace of mind. She offers personalized wellness plans to help women overcome stubborn weight, balance hormones, improve digestion, discover their authentic selves and let go of old patterns that keep them stuck. Her approach integrates a range of holistic tools for nourishing the body, mind & soul. Her toolbox includes natural nutrition, mind-body techniques, energy medicine practices and transformational life coaching.

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